When my alarm woke me up from a deep sleep, I asked myself, "Ochu, what on God's green Earth were you thinking?" I forced my self up, showered, dressed and loaded up the car and made the 42 mile trek to the cemetery, but not before first making a pot of coffee to assist me along the way.
It was spectacular morning. The sun was peaking above the eastern horizon and it was awash in orange behind the low-hanging, fog banks. The birds were chirping and there was the promise of working Jim, N5MU later on this morning. Now, I remembered why I agreed to do this; especially so, since I just spent the prior day working on a hamfest!
I made it to Ohlman Cemetery an hour later after leaving my Girard QTH. It was 7:00 am and I called Jim on the cell phone to tell him that I had arrived and that I would be up and running in about 20 minutes. Less than ten minutes later I had the tripod set up and the 10 GHz rig warming up. I erected my mast for my six element 70 cm yagi, connected the coax and hooked it up to the 817. I gave Jim a call and we heard each other with no problem at 12:35 Z. The S meter wasn't indicating anything, but we both had solid copy on USB. An 81.5 mile QSO. Now, let's try 10 GHz. I was copying John, WB9PNU's beacon about a S-5. It had been almost a year since I heard it last and hearing the beacon's CW telemetry was like hearing an old friend again after a long absence!
Peaking up on the beacon, I nudged my dish a degree or so to the south to hear Jim. I could copy his CW about 519. A short while later Jim was 579. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go back to him because my FT 817 wasn't keying up. I could hear my rig's sidetone, but the rig itself wasn't keying up. It turns out that, somehow, a menu setting had changed and once I found it, I was able to correct for it and I was putting out CW. Jim and I made the QSO at 13:22 Z with 519 reports!
After working Jim, I swung my 70 cm yagi towards Ron, W9ZIH's direction and towards Chicago and I made some noise, both CW and USB, but to no avail. I took down my portable station and soon I was on the road to nearby Pana for a sausage and egg McMuffin before heading back to Girard. By 10:40 am, I was pulling into my driveway. All said and done, it was an exceptional start to my day. Thank you Jim!
( A better shot of the fog bank. A good day for microwaving!)
( My view to the south. Notice the fog bank)
( Here I am on top of the Ohlman cemetery hill. My 70 cm yagi and 10 GHz rig are visible)
(Another view of the cemetery portable set up from EM59ji)
( My view back southwest towards Jim in EM48, 81.5 miles away)
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