Thursday, April 25, 2024

SPRINT 432 again

VHF+ SPRINT contests return twice every year in 5 sections - 50, 144. 222. 432 and microwave. We of the local SLAMS group around Saint Louis only participated from our homes in the 144 and 222MHz sections this year, mostly due to bad weather (you do not want to be on the hilltop during severe thunderstorm). However, the weather last night was perfect for VHF+ activity, so we went outdoors again.

When I said "we", I meant a combination of SLAMS and SLQS (Saint Louis QRP Society) members. Also, the participating stations were members of either one or both of these groups. There was no other band activity in our area - a problem we see in every contest now.

Tony KT0AA and Herbert AF4JF went to Winfield (North of St. Charles, Missouri) to the EM48-EM49 grid line. There is a nice hill with a huge railroad communications tower where we usually go for this kind of activity. Worked couple of stations, Including Harry WA0CNS and Tom W0MFQ. Tom was testing his 144MHz Yagi antenna, which was the reason why we took the 2m KLM beam on AF4JF's car to 70cm contest. Everything worked exceptionally fine and we made QSOs on both band, 144 and 432MHz, even with antennas for opposite polarization.

Several pictures to document the rover setups:

WA0CNS in EM48

AF4JF in EM49

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Missouri QSO Party and Solar Eclipse QSO Party

Both QSO parties were mostly HF events, but since we made several VHF/UHF contacts, they belong on this blog too. 

MOQP took place on Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7, 2024. The SEQP followed just one day later, on April 8, the day of the 2024 solar eclipse (click on the links to see rules). Some SLAMS members attended these events together with members of the Saint Louis QRP Society (SLQS). Definitely very interesting events!

Herbert AF4JF attended the MOQP as a Rover (mobile station per MOQP rules) from Saint Charles County in EM48 on Saturday and Lincoln County in EM49 on Sunday. Used a mobile Tarheel antenna 80-6m, 18ft. vertical and horizontal loops for VHF/UHF.

AF4JF in Saint Charles, 1st day MOQP

My dog Darcey in Saint Charles, 1st day MOQP

Darcey in Lincoln County, 2nd day MOQP

AF4JF in Lincoln County, 2nd day MOQP
(the big tower belongs to Railroad, not to me)

SEQP from a public park in EM48

Another view of the AF4JF station in EM48 during SEQP

Everything considered, these were great events! We will include more VHF+ activities next time.