Saturday, May 7, 2011

Microwave SPRINT Contest

Another microwave SPRINT contest took place on May 7, 2011. John WB9PNU went to EM49ua (AT&T Tower) with Jim N5MU who provided his 10GHz setup. Herbert AF4JF tried to contact them from near his home location in EM48qr. Unfortunately, Mr. Hepburn didn't sleep well tonight and his charts for our area were black. Signal propagation followed the charts this time, so the signals were below the threshold, although visible on a waterfall. Therefore, John and Jim moved around the hilltop and Herbert went to EM48sq (YMCA). Contacts were made on 10GHz CW (579) and 144MHz SSB (59).

Zack W9SZ went far northeast, over 250 miles away, so we didn't even try with poor propagation today.

73 Herbert