Sunday, April 24, 2011

SBMS Contest

The SLAMS Group is going to participate on the SBMS contest (2GHz and Up) the weekend of April30-May1, see here:

We will have a breakfast at "Denny's" on Dorsett before we drive out to have fun on Saturday, April 30 at 7:30am. Note that this will be just a quick meal for planning purposes before we get to our cars and drive to some hilltop locations. Everybody is welcome, you don't have to bring your own transverter or even be a member of our group to share the fun!

Also note that SPRINT contests continue this week with the 432MHz section. The 432 MHz Sprint will be from 7 PM until 11 PM local time on Wednesday, April 28, 2010. Look here for details:

73 Herbert

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Beacon Antenna

The SLAMS group is working towards new 1296MHz beacon. Following link points to set of pictures describing our new omnidirectional antenna.

73 Herbert

Sunday, April 10, 2011

SLAMS Meeting

SLAMS meeting on 03/20/11 was attended by 6:

We have discussed VHF+ contesting with Kevin W9GKA, especially the "distance scoring" and corresponding contesting strategy. There will be more info about our contesting plans as soon as they become more actual. Note that everybody is welcome to participate on our microwave or contesting activities, even if you don't have your own setup.


Next full SLAMS meeting will be on Sunday, May 8. Again, we will meet at "Panera Bread" in Westport at 8:30am.

However, we are going to participate on the SBMS contest (2GHz and Up) the weekend of April30-May1, see here.

We will have a breakfast at "Denny's" on Dorsett before we drive out to have fun on Saturday, April 30 at 7:30am. I will send a reminder to everybody. Note that this will be just a quick meal for planning purposes before we get to our cars and drive to some hilltop locations.

Note that SPRINT contests start just tomorrow evening with the 144MHz section. Look here for details:

That's it for now. Thanks for coming today. Have a wonderful Sunday and see you next time!

73 Herbert

Friday, April 1, 2011

Next SLAMS Meeting

Next SLAMS meeting will take place on Sunday 04/10 at 08:30 am

   AT  NEW  LOCATION  == Panera Bread on Westport Plaza

We will discuss our plans for the upcoming contesting season; SPRINT contests start right next Monday.

SLAMS meetings are open to non-members and everybody is welcome to attend.

73 Herbert